Monday, June 28, 2010

Have you ever experienced a time in your life when the Lord fell all over you? This weekend has been that way for me. God has done some AMAZING things in my life this weekend. Things that only HE can do. I have been so full of Him, watching as He moves...and I am overwhelmed. Can I just say something? Daddy is up to something. And if we as believers don't plug in on it, we're going to miss it. The harvest is ripe.
Our world has experienced so much chaos recently. Just this year ALONE in our country we have seen devastation all around us through weather. UNUSUAL weather. Daddy is speaking. He's trying to get through to a "people" to let them know time is short. There are so many people all around us, every day, that are searching for someTHING to fill the void in their lives. And as Christ followers, we have the answer but we often act like we're still searching, too. It's time for the church to stand and be the church. Last week in VBS we were discussing what would have happened to Paul had his nephew not warned him of pending doom. The churchy answer was, he would have been killed. I don't necessarily believe that. I believe that God would have done a God thing and saved Paul, but the nephew would have missed out on an opportunity of a lifetime to unite with the Creator of the Universe in a miraculous story. And I believe it's the same for us. God is going to do what God wants in our surroundings, but it will be our loss as believers if we let the opportunities slip by.
So I challenge you today to search out what God is telling you. Be aware of His constant presence. Know that the King of Kings wants to involve you in History making. The signs are all around us - who will go?

1 comment:

  1. These are my questions "Are Christians running to win the prize or just the bare minimum? How can you tell a Christian from a Christian who is running the minimum? Are Christians sinning if they are running the bare minimum?"
