Thursday, May 6, 2010

Time to Breathe

Finals are over...I'm finished with the first semester back at school! YEEEE HAWWWW!!! I feel great, even though my last test was hardly impressive, but that's okay. It's nice knowing that I accomplished two more classes and have them neatly tucked underneath my educational belt. There were so many things I was invited to this evening...things that I needed to do and things that I wanted to do. But when I finished my final assignment, I just laid back on the couch and breathed.

Do you ever feel like you just need to take a breather? From life in general? These last several months have been challenging, to say the least. So many different emotions I experienced were excitement, panic, fear, exhilleration, exhuastion, overwhelm-ment (I made that word up), peace, anger, and relief. Sometimes all in the same day...(smiley face) And now there's quiet. The kids are with their dad, the final assignments are turned in, the television is off, and the air condition is gently blowing. And it's time to breathe.

One of my favorite lines that I've read and I can't remember who said it, (so if you recognize it...please post it) is "The problem with life is that it's just so daily".
What a great line. It says so much in so few words. How much of life is going by without stopping and taking a moment to breathe in? I think in our society we completely underestimate the power of just sitting. Just listening to the quiet around us. It's beautiful when you have a moment to indulge and sit.

I know many of my dear friends are not at a place mentally or emotionally where they feel they can breathe. They are enduring all those emotions I wrote about a paragraph ago. And my heart hurts for them, but it also smiles for them, because I know they will one day experience the stillness around them and it won't be terrifying or heart wrenching. They will relish in it and Thank God for it. It's one of those things that if you let it pass by it won't go TOO unnoticed, but if you take the time to enjoy's priceless.

So as you read this post, I hope that you'll take advantage of your life and grab a few uninterupted moments...even if you have to schedule them in. Don't underestimate the ability to enjoy. His mercies are new every morning, and each day He breathes new life into us...the least we can do is breathe it, too.

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